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  Hello, when I first got to the university and settled in my room I felt like a rabbit caught in the headlights of a car. I didn’t speak a word Chinese and even asking where the bathroom was caused me some problems due to pronunciation. The following day I would meet my fellow classmates and the nerves bubbled up in my stomach, out of partly curiosity, partly excitement. I got to where the introduction was held after having lost the way a dozen of times and walked into the room. I met the other participants and soon I felt participants and soon I felt accepted. During my stay in China I have made some good friends and it is only fair to say that I will miss them with my whole heart when I get back to boring Belgium. The point of me travelling to China was to not only pick up some Chinese but mostly to learn about their culture. Among the different aspect from their culture, music is an important one to me. In Europe Chinese music is my opinion not known well enough and therefore it doesn’t receive the appreciation it certainly deserves. I was struck by the music as by lighting because of its beauty. For me then I can say that the best day of the camp was the day the orchestra performed and I could join their ranks. Coming here was an experience I’ll never forget. The excellent food, the kind people and the sun that shines as brightly as the smile on my face when I think of China. (REFAELA VERHAEGHE)


  When I came to participate this camp, I didn’t know it was the camp for orchestra team. However, I “kind of “joined in the orchestra team right before the day of performance and sang “Tian Mimi.” It was really awkward because I had less than a day to practice, but it was also a good experience to participate and perform .The orchestra team was awesome. They are nice 

  Though I couldn’t understand all of what the Chinese teacher said in the class for lecture, I think it was a new experience to learn something about China, also could improve my Chinese. Hahah

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